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Cosmic Sky

I am guided by Source energy in concert with the Great Spirit of this universe. That means I do not work with dark entities or any others - human or not -to receive my information. For that reason, I am guided to perform whatever actions are called for me to perform as indicated by my dialogue with you, your soul family, as well as ancestors, and Source energy itself.   Most, if not all of the work, is done outside the actual sessions I hold with you in dialogue. There is no extra charge for this work, as it is included in the session.

Our gifts emerge as we emerge. I often find out new gifts or callings that I am led to explore in my work with others. This is a great blessing and wonder of life that I am excited to see you explore in your own way, with the help of your gifts and guidance.

Below are some of the areas of work I do. They are not a complete list, as I work in other more obscure areas that are required in conjunction with the modalities below. 

Entity Extraction

This work involves removing all sorts of different forms of attachment entities. Entities can include demonic entities, parasites, succubi or succubae, also holographic AI entities. This work usually happens around the first or second session - sometimes even before! It is absolutely necessary for this to be done before you can even begin to be able to hold the higher Source energies over time.  Keep in mind that most people can hold Source energies for only less than a second. The longer we can hold these energies, the more powerful and joyful and trusting we become.

Removing attachment entities can sometimes include those that are attached to your soul family,  

Spirit messages

I will often interact with soul family members on your behalf, to give you information that they want you to know.  This can happen in session or outside session. I am always guided to send you messages from either deceased or absent loved ones, or those who are not able to express their highest selves to you in physical form. This aspect of the dialogue is a very delicate one - I do not work with dark entities and so I only give you the information and communication I am given to express to you. It is very important by Will of Source to not create a dependency within you on these messages or the souls who are communicating. Dependency of any kind will not assist you as you move forward to uncover your own gifts.

Dragon energy: cultivating the sacred boundaries

Each one of us works with spirit animals. I work with many, but my main companion is Dragon. Dragon is a guardian of the most precious treasures of the cosmic universe and so I work with Dragon to learn how to nurture and develop the gifts we are given. I have worked with Dragon for over five years and he works with you as you do sessions with me. He helps you to learn boundaries, how to be a guardian for your sacred soul and the souls of others. Dragon energy is the bedrock of human civilization in the most profound and sacred aspects. 

The Dragon energy is also fierce and doesn't tolerate fools.  That is why, if you choose to work with me, you must be serious about letting go of everything that stands in the way of what matters to you most.

Dream readings

I am highly adept at dream readings and interpretations. I encourage you to work with a dream journal, and to write down all your dreams upon waking. Dreams can offer clues to all aspects of life and even life itself, even when we are not yet conscious ourselves. In the beginning however, it is good to have a guide to help you learn about the different kinds of dreams, how some are designed to distract you, and others designed to inform you.  It is a very delicate, mysterious, and rewarding process.

Tarot reading

Often, I will do a quick reading for your before we meet, if I am guided to do so. I am a highly experienced Tarot Reader. I encourage you to work with Tarot on your journey. My recommendation is to us the most powerful deck: The Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Yes, there are many "prettier" decks, but I have yet to find one more powerful. It`s symbolism is expressed from very deep esoteric wisdom that is unmatched by the more surface expressions of other decks. That said, I will sometimes use other decks if called to do so. Animal oracle decks - which are not Tarot, are usually my second choice.

Twin Flame Healing and Guidance

As a twin flame myself, I work with those who are also on the twin flame journey. I also work with those who have been deceived and are dealing with dark entity deception. Twin flames have become "popular" these days. But twin flames are highly rare. However, that said, it doesn't mean that just because you don't have a twin during this lifetime, that you don't need assistance in this area. It is important, twin flame or not, to release attachment to old patterns of love and relationship, in order to discover freedom and peace both for you and your twin, if you have one.

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